Apple zero day attacks - apple zero day attacks. Apple patches zero day vulnerabilities being exploited by hackers
Apple zero day attacks - apple zero day attacks. Apple patches zero day vulnerabilities being exploited by hackers Looking for: Apple zero day attacks - apple zero day attacks Click here to DOWNLOAD Urgent update for macOS and iOS! Two actively exploited zero-days fixed This vulnerability is an out-of-bounds write vulnerability in the operating system's Kernel. The kernel is a program that operates as the core component of an operating system and has the highest privileges in macOS, iPadOS, and iOS. An application, such as malware, can use this vulnerability to execute code with Kernel privileges. As this is the highest privilege level, a process would be able to perform any command on the device, effectively taking complete control over it. The second zero-day vulnerability is CVE and is an out-of-bounds write vulnerability in WebKit, the web browser engine used by Safari and other apps that can access the web. Apple says this flaw would allow an...
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